Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Residential - by Björg

To work with distance from ones immediate surroundings, while living in their midst, one must distance oneself and become completely isolated from them.  At the same time/place where you experience your privacy, you desire a connection to the environment and time.  Daylight begets time and connects us to the environment.  It is our lifeline in space.  

Privacy is made more pronounced when contrasted with the environment.  A space which one can step into, becoming exposed.  A moment in time and space reinforcing privacy via publicity.







Baldur said...

mjög falleg og hrein framsetning

Ása Bryndís said...

Fyrstu tvær myndirnar eru mjög fallegar og næstum ljóðrænar. Er alveg að fíla Pawson stemninguna þína! Mjög skemmtilegar íbúðir, líka garðurinn í miðjunni.

jakobsson said...

flott verkefni. það vantar nokkur svona tokyo hús í reykjavík.